Alan Jackson -Sissy song

Ronald Yeast

I know you already reacted to a few of Alan Jackson songs but you have to please react “Sissy Song”. My mother passed away in 09 when I was just 20 years old and I totally felt lost after the fact. My mom’s nickname was ironically was Sissy from all our relatives and the irony of the music video was posted the same year and months apart from death. The message of the song was deeply similar to my mother goodbye letter she wrote when she knew she was getting sick. It reminded me even though she’s gone, she’s at peace and happy above watching over us waiting for us when it’s our time. m.youtube.com/watch?v=zCvgXw-Bh04&pp=ygUZYWxhbiBqYWNrc29uIHNpc3N5J3Mgc29uZw%3D%3D