Alan Jackson- Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning

Taylor Nichole

This song was super impactful after 9/11. It really speaks to how Americans felt.


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Kee Zealy

I was working for Midway Airlines at the time, driving to work as a radio announcer was describing the events. Midway ceased operations the next day.
A bright September Day

by James Zealy
On a bright September day
I made my way
Humming a little soliloquy
To appease my unease

To erase the lack of care
I shared, with my wilting subconciousness
Tracing lines of arrogance
Where there should have been fear

Assumptions of future paths
Crashed with each recurrence
Of wildly careening planes
Smashing the tall towers

Forever embedded in my mind
As the radio news blared
That there was cause for tears
The Dispatchers monitors
Seemed to be stuck at rerun
As the events replayed continuingly
As if there would be no end

Future dreams of prosperity
Sank with the weeklong Reprieve
Of scheduled flight
The 12th's death knoll at noon
Announced the end for those of us
Not counting on the Unplanned disaster

The days after dragged into eternity
Each day an exercise in futility
For my roll of the dice failed
And I had no work place to call home.