I'm already there "messages from home" - lonestar

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Brad B

I'm a Marine Corp veteran and this song came on the radio not to long after 9/11. The first time I heard it, I was riding my motorcycle to base and had to pull to the side of the road to collect myself. 5 min past by and i was still struggling when a state trooper stopped to check on me. He stayed with me sitting in the grass on the side of the road. I'll never forget when he put his arm around me and said "Marine, you have to get up... dust yourself off... and get to work... there are people you will never meet in this world that are counting on you."


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Sebastian Duran

Status changed to: Live


Sebastian Duran

Reaction video here: youtu.be/ApiJjavn5CY


Ted Strand

Country song


Sebastian Duran

Merged with: I'm already There


Ron W

Any military family appreciates this song.


Caitlin Clark

My husband and I love Lonestar! Anytime they come on the radio one of us say "lonestar singalong!" And it's required we stop whatever we were doing to sing along. Being a father of girls I think you would also really like the song "my front porch looking in"


Shawn Junker

The military dedication version is amazing


The song came out in March of 2001. I vividly remember listening to it after September of that year thinking that Lonestar knew what they were doing.


Shawn Junker

There's a military tribute version to this song and it will break your heart.


Rachel Farrar

I've recently found your channel and I've been enjoying your country journey quite a lot! This song is a good one for you when you're away from home for work. It'll definitely get you in the feels and make you want to call your wife and talk to your girls. To say this is a good one is a major understatement.


I'm already there by Lonestar. Got to do this song but don't be walking on your treadmill because you may fall down listening to it.