Naked to the Pain

Jeremy Wenger

www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSxHmeGgFzs&pp=ygUeTmFrZWQgdG8gdGhlIHBhaW4gSmFtZXMgQm9uYW15 Sebs, I am requesting this country song for you to react too Because in 1994 I lost my father at the age of 12, and 2 years later this song helped me cope with the loss of my Father. I have now recently turned back to it, after losing my mother unexpectedly in 2022. I was just 2 month shy of my 40th birthday. And This song just reminds me, that no matter who you are, If you're a Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Grandparent, Husband, or Wife. That when you lose someone you truly "Naked to the Pain of Losing Them." A little info on the artist James Bonamy, He came out with 2 studio albums, "What I Live to do", and Roots and Wings." The Album this song is on. He eventually left the Music industry to answer a different calling, and is now a Pastor in Texas.