NewSong - The Christmas Shoes

Jennifer Berry

This was one of my mom's favorite songs before she passed.


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Oh Lord have mercy I cannot figure out how to use this thing but I do want you to please experience Christmas shoes it's Christmas Eve so it's time for your reaction to Christmas shoes the video with Rob Lowe or the other guy it doesn't matter it is awesome will change your life forever thanks I hope you get this I've left messages on like four or five different spots because I don't know if they're going through or I just don't know what I'm doing probably the latter


You're a hard guy to find you need to have like a tutorial for us old folks I don't know how to request or donate or do any of that so I just picked one of these little slots because I want you to listen to Christmas shoes and it's not just a Christmas song but I've been trying to do this for 2 weeks and I can't leave and go get the code cuz by the time I get the code I'm about to try my find you again the time. Ran out