This is hilarious! Gotta watch the original video. Kinda gives a surprise twist you wouldn't get just from hearing the song or watching it live.
That's three biggest thing I love about country music videos (especially the older ones). The videos enrich the songs so much! Especially when it's the kind of song that tells a story.
Activity Newest / Oldest
This is a must watch for you! Make sure to watch the original video, but do NOT read the comments first!
Rachel Farrar
This is hilarious! Gotta watch the original video. Kinda gives a surprise twist you wouldn't get just from hearing the song or watching it live.
That's three biggest thing I love about country music videos (especially the older ones). The videos enrich the songs so much! Especially when it's the kind of song that tells a story.
Sebastian Duran
Merged with: Tequila makes her clothes fall off - joe nichols
Make sure you use the official video. You'll love it!
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