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I believe you'll really love this song & connect with its story.
Great, Great, song about Jesus's resurrection and perfect for Easter!!!! You will be blessed, believe me. Tammy Fisher...
This song should be played for the whole world. Phil is a praise and worship singer and will touch your life as well as...
Song written about her brother who died when she was a teen.
In Don McLean's "Bye Bye Miss American Pie..." about the death of Buddy Holly and the other 2 rockers. You need to listen to...
The Neil Diamond song covered by The Monkees
Sung by Jay & The Americans
Great music with a great story. Great vocals and instrumentation. I think you would really love this. Donald Fagan is one of...
"Baby Elephant Walk" is a song composed in 1961 by Henry Mancini for the 1962 film Hatari!