REN - The Tale of Jenny & Screech (Full)

Sander Houttekier

Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYAnqQ--KX0

Masterful story teller, troubled personal life, but grew up busking and is finally making some ripples into waves.

This specific song is a trilogy of 3 small tales Jenny's Tale, Screeches Tale and Violet's Tale. Yet I won't say anything more because i fear I'd spoil the experience or story.

All I can say is, Ren (and his cameraman) perform everything live, in 1 take (3 takes, 1 per tale ofcourse). and both guitar and singing is all done 100% live.


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ANGUS 4277

This is a powerful story and it is masterfully done. After experiencing it I feel I would have been the lesser had I missed it.


Sebastian Duran

Post moved to this board


Kylor Miller

Yes I agree!!!