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Axls vocal range is on full display in this song. There is a part in this song that many people have said is impossible to...
Old school rock. These guys are a little different but definitely worth a listen
An iconic band displaying their full talents in this classic song. This song fills the bill when you need a 70's love song!
Live From The Montreal Forum / 1981 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTwLi35hGvE
Red Barchetta (Live (1981/Canada) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjjNvjURS-s
Time Machine - Live in Cleveland 2011 Geddy's funky awesome bass playing along with Alex. One of my favorites of RUSH!
People say this is what the Beatles would have sound like into the 70's if they would have stayed together. Also look into the...
Eddie Vedder and Chris Cornell's voices compliment perfectly and I know you will enjoy it so much.
Great song, great guitar riffs, drumming. Live version is the best. https://youtu.be/Ss1EyyXL4Gk?si=w5umxiB-itoNZT6e