Five Finger Death Punch. Wrong Side of Heaven

Lulu S

I can't describe this video except to say you must watch. As the wife of a Veteran I can say this video is spot on


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John Peck

I know you support and love your veterans. This song is so awesome and helps understand what is veterans go through on a daily basis. Please give it a listen


Tyler Fields

You should definitely have your wife contribute to


Srg. LHarvey

As a Veteran Srg. of the Marine Corps this is a song that means so much to me and my family. I completed two tours in Afghanistan. I feel every word in this song. And this video is so eye opening. MUST absolutely do the official music video. You will not get copyright. FFDP wants this video to be seen by as many people possible.

To any Veterans in the chat. From one Veteran to another...Thank you for your Service!!