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This is a cover of Jimi Hendrix recorded live on Austin City Limits in 1989. He was the best blues player that ever lived...
Love this version, her voice is powerful and oh the drums just make it perfect.
Master Guitar Player.
a group called SMITH lead vocalist - Gayle McCormack (soooo much emotion-and soooo underappreciated)
You just have to listen. Valhalla calling me, Santiana, Hoist the Sails
You want to hear some real rockabilly listen to Wanda Jackson singing Hard Headed Woman. Elvis used to open for her.
It's a story of an immigrant's journey across the border. I don't want to give it away.
Another great James Blunt song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgG4KWvbRRE
Melissa Etheridge
insane guitarist talent! https://youtu.be/mCIakNBn66c?si=TwrR-elZoggQ1yL5